Saturday, July 9, 2011

Love is still remain...

I clearly know that we no longer together, but my Feeling towards you, the feeling of having you with me, the Love...still remain...This would be the Hardest part...
Even thou I told you that I'm still thinking of you, but the only replied that I've got was ' It's just time...In time, u wont feel in that way anymore'...
I'm still looking for a way turning back....

Saturday, April 9, 2011



Sunday, April 3, 2011



Wednesday, March 23, 2011


当初的幻想象清晨迷蒙的雾,有一道暖暖的光照射着。。。随着太阳升起,雾也被太阳的热情收服,虽然可惜,但还是得乖乖的伏在叶子上完成它的过程。。。凝聚变成露珠,幻想也慢慢变成真实。。。看到的,不象是小说里或小学生在作文里所描写的一样“美丽早晨”。。。而是 。。。~ 所不出一句话,只能感受。。。那种感觉有多无奈。。。感叹,为何现实生活,和自然生态有那么天渊之别呢?虽然生物和大自然都是上帝制造的,但,至少在自然生态,只需每天完成它的过程,而人咧?明明就有问题,可是总不能解决还是选择逃避,留着污迹,让遗憾陪他们度过人生。。。

Thursday, March 10, 2011

生日快乐、Happy Birthday

已经第三年了,过生日都有Assignment来陪着。。。今年,放纵自己,动都没动,在家悠闲着。。。再和B到Chicago Ribs用餐。。。餐后,陪他买一些出国的须用品,过后就到他家去,谈谈天。。。 
可是就是心满意足了。。。嘻嘻 ^^

Fried Mushrooms

Grilled lamb chop,Pork rib and baked potatoes

Sunday, February 13, 2011

First weekend in Melacca

Valentine's day is just around the corner, there're so many couples out there celebrate it with their loves one. It doesn't mean you can only celebrate valentine's day with your bf/gf, but your loves one - family members,close friends,or even your close housemates (if u have them), etc.
Altho' I don't get to celebrate with my B. on 14th Feb, but I still have him and 2 more friends (How & Ying) to enjoy the 2d/1n amazing food trip at Melacca during the 1st weekends of posting in Melacca.We had tried most of the famous food and local cuisine over the Jonkers st.
Yesterday, We've tried the Melacca cendol,Ais kacang ,baba nyonya laksa and curry laksa at Jonker88, followed by one of the famous chicken rice ball at Jonker also.we were Q'ing up for almost 30mins for that chicken rice under the burning sun . Ouhh ya! The most 'Fantabulous' 1, seafood at Portugese village!! yum yum!! ^^ 
Besides, we also visited those historical buildings ~ 
This morning,we went to have our Creepe cakes (yummy),after that we stopped at a local kopitiam-siang chiang, to have half-boiled eggs,steamed roti and kopi o'.
Next station, chicken rice ball again at another shop at Jonker streets.  Before they balik, we went for satay babi...{^(@@)^} 

Thanks 3 of them for coming all the way to Melacca to spend their weekends with me,especially my B to celebrate this special day in advance with me.

Gift from my B.

p.s: so sorry T.T  Didn't prepare gift for him. So, last minute belanja him seafood.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Respect each others' feeling

To avoid unnecessary argument which could lead to unhappy r/s, I'll just keep everything for myself...which was initially I thought communication is very important to clear all the doubts and misunderstanding between us. 
Paranoid and afraid to tell ... why huh?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

谁都带不走这片云彩,留下的只有回忆 陪我们回味

不知为什么,那么感伤。。。现在的我是不想理会别人怎么想我,只想好好,平安的过完这一年半的时间。。。上个星期连续3天头痛不已,担心自己好像有什么不治之症,晚上还常发恶梦。。。其实,这几个晚上都睡不好,所以黑眼圈这么大。。。我又认识几个朋友,那么年轻,就突然间被证实是最后一期的病。。。总共有三个,虽然都不是很熟。其中一个,是家乡的朋友,小时候有一起玩过。。。比我小一岁。。。突然间宣告不治,这样就走了。。。一直到刚才,我看到以量的部落格“祝你生日快乐”,我都不敢打开来看。。。生命,不长不短。。。我想,应该是他的病人在生日那天离开这世界吧~ 怕,读了又再哭。。。所以,为什么要担心那么多?就开开心心的过就好。。。做好自己的本份,想做什么就去做吧~

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learn how to cope with one another...

Seriously, I hate this sentence :
[If you like someone, you must accept the good and bad points of that person.]

Actually I got this sentence from one of my classmates- David. Not prejudice definitely,but just nice it stimulates my brain to write something regarding to this.
Initially, yes...I agreed. It's true you need to accept the entire person physically and mentally...but what about his or her attitude/personality? If your partner is a very bad tempered person, cannot even wait for you for 10,20mins just because of he feels that you're wasting his time, which he could use that 10 to 20 mins to nap. After all, he kept throwing tantrums, barking for 1 hour...of course if you love him, you have to accept the way he behaves... What you can do is nothing but just acting like a deaf person and bear with him....however,to live with this sucky monster, are you sure you'll Love him enough to bear him for your whole life? including his attitude being like this? People,Learn how to cope with each other...He should at least learn, slow to anger and control it by telling the girl nicely..Am I right?

2nd, a guy who slaps his own girlfriend is totally a junk!! never be a good listener and never wants to talk about their problems, this kind of MOFO doesn't deserve your love, leave that pharker ASAP!!! I was so stupid, go tell people,as if they could help me by making me feel better cuz they were sympathy on me... Terrible...tsk!!  >.<"
There is another story, initially, a gang of our friends that we used to mix together usually, keep saying that sentence to me...I'm not sure whether they were telling the same thing to that person or not...They are kinda like ..."helping"...(my side) That is why, now I am on my way to work out since that fatty has offered girl a chance...If it doesn't give a fruitful outcome, doesn't matter...At least I've tried... but now,it seems like I'm convinced, even i never speak out to anyone yet. Hope that, in the end, things run smoothly and ... fatty wont let me down.

Therefore, a good communication between both could helps to avoid those unwanted/unnecessarily doubt n problems...Please analyse a person,before u choose him/her as your boyfriend/girlfriend... Those scary incidents makes me don't believe in feeling ... I've became an analyser...

Terima kasih tuan tuan dan puan puan,saudara dan saudari sekalian. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I was wrong....

Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. [看了一篇文章写的。。。]
[It has been 6 years...I thought I've learned some lessons from my experience...I thought I was the so-called Director, I thought I could change everything in such a way that I wish it to be. After 6 years, I am still the same. Every time when things happened, I always magnify and overvalued my ability, thought that I could make things better.However, after I tried to fix or trying to negotiate when things happened...No doubt, superficially I could see some changes there. Contrarily, I felt something went missing too~ "Sincerity" no longer there.The more I asked, the more they will do it purely just because I want it to be like that instead of they do it/ say it from the bottom of their heart. Still remember one of my previous post? I said, I envy...I feel I'm so stupid and regret with what I've done on myself...Now, I've looked back,and asking myself, I have everything, ain't I? I should have let it works slowly and naturally. Good one will always goes to ones who waits. I don't have to push or say a single word. Remain silent as I come, and go if the feeling for me no longer there. I wish I could implement what I've understand from the statement above, altho' I feel guys should read it and practice it in real life rather than we,ladies...
and one more thing I've learned... Learn to bear and forgive if you really love them...just how u were forgiven by Him...of course u wont angry your family members for a life time right? you fight and you play n laugh after so many times,love for each other will never reduced even a single nice if both of u (I should say,all the couples) can just be like that...

Sunday, January 9, 2011



susu: 你有去过青屋(che'chu)吃hokkien mee lam loh吗?好吃!
我: 有去过那边吃,可是没听说过哪里的福建面lamloh好吃。。。以前after clubbing 都去那边吃。。。
susu: wah! 你有去 clubbing 的啊?
susu: 呵呵! 你很 "guai"? 你的"guai" 是乖巧的“乖” ,还是“kuai lan" 的 "kuai?
今天过得还蛮充实的。。。开心!! ^^

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Facebook status....

从 [in a relationship---->single---->widowed---->single]...接下来呢?complicated吗?
无聊透了。。。一点玩意儿都没有~ 刚洗完澡,正在做面膜。。。那么有时间,干嘛不做些有意义的是啊?有啊~下午虽了午觉。。。‘吃’下午茶。。。这样就完了。。。想读书。。。一天拖着一天。。。常给自己借口。。。
哎哟~想到我的电脑。。。还真麻烦!! 可是,幸好有人心情好,帮了我一个大忙,以免费修理电脑的权利都帮我争取到了!! 哈哈!! 好开心!可是,他还是在那边碎碎念啦。。。我知道他要我学习自己解决问题,可是。。。我英文太差,怎么说得赢他们咧?
总而言之,谢啦大肥bebi!! 回去再好好请你吃一餐咯~ 
今天的他简直就是一座大冰山。。。我问一句他答一句。。。算了!sms 就够了。。。

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


然而,还是有担心的事情...原来,他的弟兄们都低估他了... 不知道他的厉害...绝对比蜜蜂,蝴蝶还高招~ 就因为这样,我都不去问他太私人的问题...免得打翻一大瓶醋...我唯一能做到的就是闭两只眼,如果发生了,试着改变自己的观念...或许,可以商量...虽然之前发生一件事,他也答应不会再这么做..可是.... 他会吗? 我相信他会!!