Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learn how to cope with one another...

Seriously, I hate this sentence :
[If you like someone, you must accept the good and bad points of that person.]

Actually I got this sentence from one of my classmates- David. Not prejudice definitely,but just nice it stimulates my brain to write something regarding to this.
Initially, yes...I agreed. It's true you need to accept the entire person physically and mentally...but what about his or her attitude/personality? If your partner is a very bad tempered person, cannot even wait for you for 10,20mins just because of he feels that you're wasting his time, which he could use that 10 to 20 mins to nap. After all, he kept throwing tantrums, barking for 1 hour...of course if you love him, you have to accept the way he behaves... What you can do is nothing but just acting like a deaf person and bear with him....however,to live with this sucky monster, are you sure you'll Love him enough to bear him for your whole life? including his attitude being like this? People,Learn how to cope with each other...He should at least learn, slow to anger and control it by telling the girl nicely..Am I right?

2nd, a guy who slaps his own girlfriend is totally a junk!! never be a good listener and never wants to talk about their problems, this kind of MOFO doesn't deserve your love, leave that pharker ASAP!!! I was so stupid, go tell people,as if they could help me by making me feel better cuz they were sympathy on me... Terrible...tsk!!  >.<"
There is another story, initially, a gang of our friends that we used to mix together usually, keep saying that sentence to me...I'm not sure whether they were telling the same thing to that person or not...They are kinda like ..."helping"...(my side) That is why, now I am on my way to work out since that fatty has offered girl a chance...If it doesn't give a fruitful outcome, doesn't matter...At least I've tried... but now,it seems like I'm convinced, even i never speak out to anyone yet. Hope that, in the end, things run smoothly and ... fatty wont let me down.

Therefore, a good communication between both could helps to avoid those unwanted/unnecessarily doubt n problems...Please analyse a person,before u choose him/her as your boyfriend/girlfriend... Those scary incidents makes me don't believe in feeling ... I've became an analyser...

Terima kasih tuan tuan dan puan puan,saudara dan saudari sekalian. 

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